Wednesday, June 1, 2011

DYO #2: Fruit Fly Population Investigation

Problem (Question): How does the number of males and females affect the amount of adults being laid in 3 weeks?

Hypothesis : If i were to put 2 females and 1 male fruit file then the amount of adults would grow to about 6200 adults at the end of 3 weeks because 1 female is able to lay 20 eggs a day and they turn into adults in 2 weeks.
Background Research: During my research I have found out many interesting facts such as the females furit file only needs to mate once,because from that one male she is able to produce eggs until she dies. Another fact, I learned is that female fruit files are able to produce up to 20 eggs a day,  and the life cycle of a fruit file to become an full adult is about 2 weeks. Sad part is they only live for around 6 weeks. 

Step1: My group and I were to choose a combination of fruit files, we picked 1 male and 2 female.
                                                                    The Combination of fruit files that we picked

Step2:  We placed an gas called Fly Nap into the vale with the class fruit files. We allowed the gas to stay in the vale for at least 4 mins to ensure they where sleep so we can collect ours.

Step3:  We opened the vale to identify which were male and female fruit files, then we were able to gather our combination of fruit files and place them to the side.

Step4:  In the new vale we were to add water to an powder food substance to the bottom, along with a little yest to make there food supply.

Step5: We placed the vale hortanzail to add our fruit files that we set a side in step3

Step6: After that we have allowed the fruit files to wake up from the fly nap and for 3 weeks we have observed the numbers of adults that changed.

Step7:  We use the data that we colletced in the 3 weeks period, to compare the changes.

Friday, May 27, 2011

This Week in Science (Daphnia and Introduced Species)

This week in science we learned about Daphnia and Introduced Species. The class also learned about the phrase HIPPO which stands for Habitat loss, Introduced Species,Pollution,Popultaion growtrh ad Over population.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

No Impact Man

 No impact man project was a year long project that came about on a family of a writer because he wanted to change his way of writing. Colin Beoven project was an attempt to save the earth. Him and his family which contained his wife and his 2 year old daughter. His wife found this project to help her by getting control of her addiction, which is shopping. They were to stop regular modren day activities such as eating out, no transpiration beside an chemical free scoter, only local grown foods and making less trash. No impact man ivied life for a year on reducing, reusing and recycling.
  Colin and his family being able to have no transpertaion beside and scoter to help the earth because of the harmful chemicals thats released in the earth while on a train,busses and planes.This makes the air that we breathe less hass to breathe in.While watching the film Colin introdudced that he is only to feed off local  foods, that means food within 250 miles from his house. They also used whole sale fresh maekets.

Friday, May 13, 2011

This Week In Science ( Fruit File DYO Part 1 )

  This week in science we were to begin our DYO on the fruit file. We had worked on it this week by moving around in groups to sections that David, Melissa and Alyssa managed. The groups were setup by the different things that was required in the DYO so that we would have a better understanding.
   I learned new ways to determined the graph that i needed. Such as the line graph show change and and bar graph is to compare.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Fruit Files ( Part2 )

  This week in science we were to continue our work on the fruit files  problem and our spider habitat. As The week started off we finally received our spiders, the spider was way different then i expected. i pictured an black ugly spider but we got an light color and medium size spider, which didn't seem to like its new home because it died the next day. We also organize the little habitats where our fruit files will be able to lay eggs, we placed two females and one male fruit file and hypothesis that over 200 new fruit files will be layed.
   This week I learned how the fruit file systems work. They are able to store sperm from the male and are able to lay eggs until their death. from that one time mating, also ....

Sunday, May 1, 2011

This Week in Science (Fruit Flies Part 1)

       This week in science we were to observer our terrarium to take notes for the new things that have occurred over break. We also were given information to help us solve the problem of reproduction of fruit flies. David and the other teachers helped us with an helpful way of taking organized notes on the looks of out terrarium. This help us notice more then just some appearances changes. Beginning to solve the fruit file project was really fun, because I was able to show case my knowledge and hear what others though of it.
     I have gained new information from this week about taking new forms of notes. Also I learned that female fruit files only need to mate once for it to be able to lay eggs off that one male sperm for the rest of its life.

Friday, April 15, 2011

This Week in Science (Ecosystems)

  Between the last weeks we have been preparing our selfs for the making of our own spider habits. In order to develop an habit we researched abiotic and biotic factors that usually live with them. We also designed a blueprint of our terrarium that we would developed after understanding the spider. Then after days of research and drawings we were able to go to an local garden called M`Finda Kalunga, where the head gardener of 31 years, Bob, explained the meaning and effort that was put in to it. We were able to collect insects and other objects to make an habit of our own.

  I have learned many new things, such as local and scientific names , and that many insects that now are in my habit are in related family groups. One insect that I was focused on was the Lithobius Forficatus better know as the Centipede. Centipedes are concerned Myriapedes which mean unable to count number of feet, centipedes also able to grow up to 17 body section with two pair of legs on each section. I found this trip really fun, it was an really good experience.
 Im kind of confuse about some of the things thats happing in my terrarium such as the way the moss is having so much new growth, how is that possible when we havent been giving it water nor sunlight ? One other prediction that i have is that most of the insects will be died and Sally our spider would have to feed on them.
After an hard work of habit making me and some of my group members sit and observer  our work.