Friday, April 15, 2011

This Week in Science (Ecosystems)

  Between the last weeks we have been preparing our selfs for the making of our own spider habits. In order to develop an habit we researched abiotic and biotic factors that usually live with them. We also designed a blueprint of our terrarium that we would developed after understanding the spider. Then after days of research and drawings we were able to go to an local garden called M`Finda Kalunga, where the head gardener of 31 years, Bob, explained the meaning and effort that was put in to it. We were able to collect insects and other objects to make an habit of our own.

  I have learned many new things, such as local and scientific names , and that many insects that now are in my habit are in related family groups. One insect that I was focused on was the Lithobius Forficatus better know as the Centipede. Centipedes are concerned Myriapedes which mean unable to count number of feet, centipedes also able to grow up to 17 body section with two pair of legs on each section. I found this trip really fun, it was an really good experience.
 Im kind of confuse about some of the things thats happing in my terrarium such as the way the moss is having so much new growth, how is that possible when we havent been giving it water nor sunlight ? One other prediction that i have is that most of the insects will be died and Sally our spider would have to feed on them.
After an hard work of habit making me and some of my group members sit and observer  our work.

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